Day Center for teenagers and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders “In the Courtyard of the World”
“In the Courtyard of the World” started working in 2008 and is part of the program “Psychargos” which aims at the Psychiatric Reform in Greece.
To whom it is addressed
The Day Center “In the Courtyard of the World” is an open unit for teenagers and young adults (aged 15-30) with Autism Spectrum Disorders of medium and low functionality.
In the Day Center “In the Courtyard of the World” the people who benefit from their services are able to act and interact in a framework in which, besides the steady therapeutic meetings, it also offers in a coordinated and adjusted way stimulants and opportunities, so as to improve the autonomy, participation in the group, social extroversion and integration in the community. These opportunities, which are relevant to the age of the beneficiaries, are always created according to the special profile, skills and needs of each person.
The philosophy and ultimate aim of the Day Center “In the Courtyard of the World” is the creation of the necessary conditions, which will allow each person individually to have their own “voice” and the skills which will promote the quality of life and the support of equal participation in the social unit that they live.
On a daily basis teenagers and young adults take part in single and group programs, which include meetings of individualized therapeutic rehabilitation, logo-therapy, occupational-therapy, and adjusted physical education. Each of these programs is developed based on the special needs of each person, adapted according to their interests and personality. The main target of the program is to improve the skills of the beneficiaries and promote autonomy and ease the relevant difficulties that they face in every day life.
In the field of autonomy, the programs of every day life also contribute. In these programs the beneficiaries are involved in self-serving activities (making and preparing their own lunch) and taking part in tasks which simulate household tasks (laying the table, dusting, gardening etc).
Moreover, the outdoor program (excursions, walks in the park, purchases from the shops, local markets etc), are a steady part of their daily schedule, since through the engagement of the beneficiaries in activities which allow them to get in touch with the community, they develop their social skills, enhance the autonomy level and fight the stigma through a constant interaction with the neighborhood, banishing the fear, the curiosity and the prejudice, which are relevant to autism ignorance.
At the same time, the goal of the Day Center is to maintain the contact and communication with the family network of each person. Towards this goal parents’ consulting is provided. Basically, it involves monthly meetings where parents/guardians are given the chance to share their thoughts , troubles, concerns, talk about their needs and to communicate their requests regarding the presence of the teenager/adult in the institution. Moreover, an overall picture of life of the beneficiary is given, not only at home, but also at the Day Center, in a productive exchange of information with the scientific director of the institution and the therapist in charge of each beneficiary.
The possibility of direct communication between the therapist and their families, gives the opportunity to transfer the achieved goals from the framework of the Day Center to the daily life of the family, enhancing the autonomy of the beneficiary and his/her actions in the family as an equal and active member.
Towards to supporting the improvement of the quality of life at home, operates the pilot program of home visits, which takes place twice a month. The objective of the program is the psycho-education and the empowerment of the family, based on their specific requests about life at home.
Multidisciplinary Group
The services of the institution are provided by the multidisciplinary group which consists of a Psychologist, Special Educator, Instructor of Adjusted Physical Education, Logo-therapist,- Occupational therapist, Assistant of General Duties, Administrative Assistant. The institution cooperates with a Children Psychiatrist, a Psychiatrist, while for his clinical support is is supported by outdoor supervisors.
Xrysolora str. 10-12, 12132 Peristeri
Τ: 210 5789 190