Mental Empowerment of children and adolescents in uninhabited islands of the North Aegean
Action implemented with the support of the Bodosakis Foundation within the framework of the Thematic Donations Program.

Project Description
Intervention program for the mental empowerment of children and adolescents on the islands of Chios, Samos, Lesvos and Lemnos and in services and agencies of the above islands that also serve children from the surrounding islands (Oinusses, Psara, Ikaria, Fournos, Thymaina and Ai Strati), as well as throughout Greece.
Actions in Chios, Samos, Lesvos, Limno
- Visits / Liaison with local public and private agencies in the context of prevention & awareness in mental health issues
- Series of Workshops for children & teenagers
2 cycles of 5 Workshops (workshops) of 60 minutes duration each, which will be addressed exclusively to children & teenagers oriented to current issues related to the strengthening of skills that build the psychological concept of mental resilience
- Experiential Workshop for parents during which participating parents will have the opportunity to strengthen their role, reflect on the goals they have set as parents, and look for new possibilities and perspectives to be more effective in their role.
- Parent-Child Groups / Debate
Implementation of groups of parents and children under the guidance of the coordinator - a mental health professional who will take part in a debate (Debate) with the aim of facilitating communication between parents and children and the theme "Learning to listen".
- Meetings of Parents with experts for Counseling Directions in matters that concern them. There will be scheduled 1.5 hour meetings for parents with requests for matters concerning their children to receive guidance and information.
- Full Personalized programs of Professional Orientation, Career Counseling & Personal Development. The administration of 3 tests, introductory questionnaires and career counseling that will enable the teenager to develop self-awareness mechanisms regarding his personality, abilities, interests and values.
- Podcasts type audio files
Creation of 6 audio episodes that will be added to the "digital library" of the Child and Adolescent Center ( and will be published on local media sites on the 4 islands. They will be addressed to children, teenagers and families but also to professionals who have to do with children (educators, doctors, etc.) with the aim of offering inspiration, personal development and mental empowerment.
- Manual of Mental Empowerment for children & adolescents with content of activities with the ultimate goal of addressing the issues and promoting the mental empowerment of adolescents / children.
Project duration: September 2023 – April 2024
Contact Details: Yiannis Heraklianos, Project Manager, tel. 2271020000 (ext. 206) –
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Bodosaki Foundation
The Bodosakis Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 1972 with the aim of continuing the contribution of its founder Prodromos Bodosakis – Athanasiadis to Greek society. His vision is a society of equal opportunities, with potential and perspective for all.
In order to achieve its vision, the Bodosaki Foundation, with transparency, accountability and credibility, finances, plans and implements actions and programs related to its four strategic pillars: the promotion of education, the upgrading of health, the protection of the environment and the strengthening of Civil Society.
From its foundation until today, it has allocated more than 450 million euros to achieve its goals.
Funded by the BODOSAKI FOUNDATION. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the BODOSAKI FOUNDATION. BODOSAKI FOUNDATION cannot be held responsible for them.