Pass4autism Platform using Artificial intelligence to improveSocial Skills for Autism

Project Description
The project Pass4autism - Platform using Artificial intelligence to improve Social Skills for Autism, co-financed by the Erasmus + program, is coordinated by the organization Autismo Burgos (Spain), with partners the Child and Adolescent Center, the Società cooperativa sociale Controvento ONLUS (Italy), the company AVN Innovative Technology Solutions (Cyprus) as well as the Laboratory of Design and Applications of Embedded Systems (ESDA) of the University of Peloponnese. The project has a duration of 24 months (November 2023 – October 2025).
The majority of technology applications developed globally for people with autism focus on improving learning disabilities rather than improving social skills. The purpose of the project is to give parents/caregivers a tool that will help both them and children with ASD to participate more actively in the community in various contexts of daily life, through the development and improvement of their social skills.
During the implementation of PASS4Autism , appropriate educational materials and a freely accessible digital software application will be developed to create customized visual stories, for use by parents-caregivers, therapists and educators of children with ASD. The application will incorporate a set of functions supported by the appropriate mechanisms, so that it is possible to efficiently approach the needs of each child with autism.
Objectives of the project
Training parents/caregivers of autistic children in the use of visual stories to improve their children's social skills.
• Provide parents/caregivers with resources and strategies to create a customized treatment according to the child's individual needs.
• Creation of an online platform for the semi-automated creation of visual stories for social skills.
• Strengthening the ability of parents/carers and their children to participate as active members in local communities.
• Reducing the negative impact of an autism diagnosis on families.
• Creating a Support Network
Groups - Objectives
Direct beneficiaries of the project
• Parents/caregivers of children with ASD: By using the PASS4AUTISM platform they will benefit from the educational material that will be created and become familiar with the use of the semi-automatic tool for creating appropriately adapted visual stories.
• Therapists of people with ASD: Through accessing the platform, enriching it with educational material and using the semi-automatic tool for creating visual stories, they will develop both their personal knowledge and skills and, at the same time, they will be able to offer even more quality services to their beneficiaries.
Indirect beneficiaries of the project
• Children with ASD, parents' associations, private and public institutions and a number of professionals where autistic children may have direct contact in the context of their social life.