Children and Adolescents’ Department
We intervene in difficulties by building on children’s abilities.
We also address to children-teenagers with:
- Speech, talking and communication disorders.
- Learning difficulties (dyslexia etc).
- Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Mental Disability.
- Sensory Processing Disorders.
- Coordination of Movement Disorders.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
- Anxiety Expression.
- Phobias
- School Denial.
- Behavior Disorders,
- Psycho-physical Expressions.
- Food Intake Disorders.
- Sleep Disorders.
Why to come to us:
- We provide quality special education and mental health services.
- The most modern and complete scientifically therapeutic methods.
- Individualized and holistic therapeutic approach.
- Therapies on a single or group level.
- Contact with schools and other institutions.
- Sufficiency-Suitable building with modern equipped therapy classrooms.
In the following video Eleutheria Binikou, Psychologist and Director of the Department of Children and Adolescents, explains the services that the Child and Adolescent’s Center provides, the significance of the extended multidisciplinary group and the procedures that the parents who seek for advice or intervention for their children need to follow.
The psycho pedagogic program is an individualized program for children with:
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Mixed special development disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
- Mental Disability.
The program includes meetings of a specific time, on a weekly basis, it is individualized, or it can be combined with other therapeutic programs.
The aim of the program is to improve the behavior, the communication and the development of the cognitive aspects of the child or the teenager.
The objective of the program is to help the child adjust to the environment, develop the “being taught” skill, improve communication, educate the children with autism in order to function in a more independent way in the community, feeling safe and autonomous.
Moreover, its goal is to improve cooperation, increase the time of work, develop organizational and concentration skills and improve their image and confidence.
The aspects which are evaluated and worked on this program are:
- Communication and Interaction: Based on the child’s skills, they build the development of communication through games and songs of interaction and alternative ways of communication (PECS, Makaton etc).
- Cognitive fields which aim at getting the child acquainted with the environment and at conquering basic cognitive skills. For example:
- Identification of same objects, same colors etc.
- Categorizing and dividing into groups, for example, animals, fruit, clothes, vegetables etc.
- Identifying objects (name, function, property) and imitating simple moves of the body and moves of using an object.
- Body knowledge: It shows and names all the parts of the body.
- Memory
Visual memory:
It enhances the ability to remember an amount of visual information, such as letters, numbers, colors.
Acoustic memory: It enhances the ability to remember acoustic surrounding information, such as home address, phone number.
Time-space orientation: All the concepts of space are proceeded, such as on, out, up etc and the concepts of time, such as seasons, days, months etc.
- Gross and fine motor skill (it performs activities which activate big muscles or muscle groups like walking, running. The gross motor skill is the basis of organizing and performing fine motor skills, such as getting dressed, writing etc.
- Visual kinetic coordination (development of coordination aiming at the development of certain skills, for example, tying shoe laces, copying etc).
- Construction of structures using different materials, aiming at gaining knowledge through multi-sensory activities.
- Interactive games with the therapist, games with rules and free game (hide and seek, ball, finger dolls,- board games without a prearranged scenario- using as an only “tool” the children’s imagination and the development of their new ideas.
- Prewriting and writing, prereading and reading prearithmetic and arithmetic.
- Self-servicing (trained in daily activities, such as getting dressed, washing up, buying from the stores, which aim at self-servicing).
The evaluation and the program are applied in an organized environment (following the principles of the TEACCH method and for every child it is planned an individualized program, based on its abilities, skills and needs. The Psycho- pedagogic program can be implemented online too, if access to the premises is not possible, with an individualized support of the child and the parents.
Our unconditional love for the children has driven us to the creation of a directing multidisciplinary group. Its objective is to support the daily life of the children/teenagers and their parents’ as well. All the therapists of the Children and Adolescents’ Department meet the requirements defined by the institutional framework of the country to practice their profession and have all the necessary certified knowledge and many years of expertise to provide their services in the field. The Children and Adolescents’ Department operates based on the principles of social and community Psychotherapy, which ensures the protection of medical confidentiality and privacy.
The significance of the multidisciplinary group
The multidisciplinary group consists of:
Social worker
Special Educator
Special instructor
Instructor of Physical Education
The multidisciplinary group works, taking into consideration the individual differences, the needs and the skills of each child/teenager and creates its individualized program. With the cooperation of all the specialized experts, we can achieve the greatest benefits that the child/teenager can get through the therapeutic program. We create bonds of trust and we approach the needs of the children/teenagers and their families carefully.
The staff has been specialized in different approaches and methods, targeting at an individualized and at the same time, holistic therapeutic approach. The therapies are provided on a both single and group level.
Egkremou str. 30, 82131 Chios
Τ: 22710 20000 (int. 1)